I can’t wait to get acquainted…
Let’s Connect
I appreciate you expressing your interest by taking the time to read the information on my website. You’ve already shown me that you are serious about booking me simply by being thorough.
Nothing makes me happier than someone who’s sure that they want me.
Please fill out the contact form AND submit verification photos. Depending on the browser and phone used to access my website, the submit button for the form might be hidden so please scroll (the button is grey).
The submission button for the verification photos is a separate button labeled “submit photos.” Photos are submitted through Pcloud. If you’d like more info on what Pcloud is, select the “Pcloud Info” tab above.
PICK 2 for Screening
You’ll submit your screening photos through my secure pcloud link below (underneath the contact form below).
☐ 2 provider references
☐ Picture of your photo ID card (your face and full name must be visible but everything else can be blocked out)
☐ LinkedIn account screenshot
☐ Selfie with a piece of paper with today’s date written on it and your full name
To ensure that the picture of your ID is safe and secure, please submit ID photos, screenshots and selfies through my pcloud link.
Pcloud is an encrypted file application where I store IDs for verification. Your pictures are never removed from the folder during verification and the folder is password protected at all times. This keeps your information secure and both of us safer from cyber attacks.
Just click the “submit photo” button below and you’ll be redirected.
You can still email me ([email protected]) the photos if you find that easier, but that method is less secure until I upload them to pcloud myself (all attachments are deleted from my email and stored on pcloud).